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Pennsylvania Oil and Gas Data Sources

May 2015 Production Update

Data within google drive appears to be uploaded to PA for waste and Production, assuming the data we are interested in is located within the PADEP folder within PA.

However - I suspect that the data was not quite inserted correctly. It appears that the WELL_API_COUNTY_ID on both was not inserted (under the CSVs, they are called Well Permit #).

I think we could correct this, although I don't think we necessarily need to.

That said, there is still data on the PA DEP website that needs to be uploaded.

Updating production information. Extra column for WELL_API had to be added, using Well Permit #. Excel formula ="37-"&B2 was used to produce WELL_API values. Well Permit # renamed to WELL_API_COUNTY_ID. Extra columns WELL_COUNTRY set to "United States" and WELL_STATE_CODE set to "PA".

Needed to specify that lines were delimited by \n instead of auto to get around PHP "invalid comma count error". There was a typo in one cell for a sheet that had a "\" character, which produced another invalid column count error. Also renamed all columns in CSV to columns in SQL db as follows:


which needs to be entered on the import screen for PHPmyAdmin to upload correctly for column headers.

This has been more work than it should have been. There is a CSV module in python if we elect to go for full automation, so this could possibly be done automatically.

In addition to removing the \ character from CSVs, the must also be processed to remove the quotation character " to allow for proper importation. Older yearly CSV files (non-monthly) were split using a CSV split utility in order to meet MySQL's 2048KiB filesize limit