WellWiki provides data, news and history on 4.3 million oil and gas wells and counting... Eventually, we plan to provide data on all oil and gas wells ever drilled in North America – an estimated 5.8 million wells since the Drake well in 1859.
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Find information about a well by searching its well number (e.g., 100.01-01-002-26W1), geographic location (e.g., Division No. 5, Manitoba), or operating company name (e.g., Omega Hydrocarbons Ltd.) and other details. Each well is identified by its well number and given a “well page" which provides information on location, permits, associated well pad, spudding and drilling information, violation and inspection data, production data, and waste information. A well page also links to the municipal community hosting that well and the operating company that owns that Well.
State/Province | Wells | Operators | Additional Information |
Alabama |
317 | 23 | |
Alaska |
413 | 0 | Well API format: 50-XXX-XXXXX (e.g. 50-029-20046)
Link to a sample Alaska Well |
Arizona |
128 | 29 | |
California |
125,483 | 418 | |
Colorado |
77,750 | 0 | Well API format: 05-XXX-XXXXX (e.g. 05-037-05000)
Link to a sample Colorado Well |
Florida |
154 | 0 | Well API format: 09-XXX-XXXXX (e.g. 09-033-20006)
Link to a sample Florida Well |
Illinois |
574,937 | 0 | Well API format: 12-XXX-XXXXX (e.g. 12-035-00011)
Link to a sample Illinois Well |
Kansas |
426,577 | 19,748 | |
Kentucky |
13,753 | 0 | Well API format: 16-XXX-XXXXX (e.g. 16-027-00013)
Link to a sample Kentucky Well |
Mississippi |
5,465 | 194 | |
Montana |
41,617 | 3,398 | |
New Mexico |
55,711 | 536 | |
New York |
46,401 | 2,340 | |
North Dakota |
29,462 | 1,483 | |
Ohio |
272,158 | 12,166 | |
Oklahoma |
70,516 | 1,148 | |
Pennsylvania |
270,818 | 9,002 | |
South Dakota |
1,955 | 456 | |
Tennessee |
13,123 | 2,497 | |
Texas |
1,163,198 | 36,701 | |
Utah |
11,374 | 589 | |
Washington |
658 | 254 | |
West Virginia |
170,188 | 13,637 | |
Wyoming |
114,736 | 0 | Well API format: 49-XXX-XXXXX (e.g. 49-009-05002)
Link to a sample Wyoming Well |
Alberta |
619,503 | 3,547 | Well UWI format: XXXXXXXXXXXXX (e.g. 0054022715000)
Link to a sample Alberta Well and Operator or use our Advanced Well Search page |
British Columbia |
34,539 | 345 | |
Manitoba |
10,474 | 603 | Well UWI format: 1XX.XX-XX-XXX-XXXX (e.g. 100.01-21-011-29W1)
Link to a sample Manitoba Well and Operator or use our Advanced Well Search page |
Ontario |
26,968 | 2,216 | |
Saskatchewan |
139,409 | 1,897 | Well UWI format: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (e.g. 101010400232W100)
Link to a sample Saskatchewan Well and Operator or use our Advanced Well Search page |
4,317,785 | 113,227 |