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Well Details

Well ID: 0605202704020
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Location: 02/04-27-060-20W5/0
Location Alias: 02/04-27-60-20 W5M
Location Alias 2: 02/04-27-060-20 W5/00
Country: Canada
Province: Alberta
Township: 060
Meridian: 5
Range: 20
Section: 27
County/Municipality: Municipal District of Greenview No. 16
Well Name: ACL ET AL 102 HZ KAYBOBS 4-27-60-20
Operator Name: Paramount Resources Ltd.
License Number: 0454072
License Date: 2013-01-24
License Status: Amended
Spud Date: 2013-12-10
Final Drill Date: 2014-01-03
Well Total Depth: 3599.00 m
Surface Hole Latitude: 54.214078
Surface Hole Longitude: -116.900124

For data sources see[1][2]

Well History

Date Event
2013-01-24 Obtained License
2013-12-12 Surface Casing Operation Performed
2013-12-16 Direction Drilling Operation Performed - Deviate
2013-12-19 Intermediate Casing Operation Performed
2013-12-28 Direction Drilling Operation Performed - Horizontal
2014-01-03 Finished Drilling
2014-01-03 Well Log Performed
2014-01-03 Well Mode changed to Drilled and Cased
2014-01-06 Liner Casing Operation Performed
2014-01-06 Perforation Treatment Performed - Open-Hole Completion
2014-01-07 Rig Released
2014-02-14 Perforation Treatment Performed - Multi-Stage Fracture
2014-02-15 Perforation Treatment Performed - Multi-Stage Fracture
2014-02-18 Well Fluid changed to Gas
2014-02-18 Well Mode changed to Testing
2014-02-21 Well Fluid changed to Gas
2014-02-21 Well Mode changed to Test Completed
2014-11-18 Well Began Production
2014-11-18 Well Fluid changed to Gas
2014-11-18 Well Mode changed to Flowing

For data sources see[3]

Spud Table

Spud Date Contractor Rig Number New Projected Depth (m) Activity Type
2013-12-10 Bonanza Drilling Inc. 6 N/A Drill To LD

For data sources see[4]

Directional Drilling

Start Date Depth (m) Reason
2013-12-16 1759.00 Deviate (5 - 79 degrees)
2013-12-28 2344.00 Horizontal

For data sources see[5]

Perforation Treatments

Perforation Date Perforation Type Interval Top (m) Interval Base (m) Number of Shots
2014-01-06 Open Hole/Barefoot Completion 3596.00 3599.00 0
2014-02-15 Multi-Stage Fracture 2720.80 2720.90 0
2014-02-15 Multi-Stage Fracture 2602.20 2602.30 0
2014-02-15 Multi-Stage Fracture 2499.20 2499.30 0
2014-02-15 Multi-Stage Fracture 2409.90 2410.00 0
2014-02-14 Multi-Stage Fracture 3559.60 3559.70 0
2014-02-14 Multi-Stage Fracture 3509.50 3509.60 0
2014-02-14 Multi-Stage Fracture 3406.50 3406.60 0
2014-02-14 Multi-Stage Fracture 3275.10 3275.20 0
2014-02-15 Multi-Stage Fracture 3171.10 3171.20 0
2014-02-15 Multi-Stage Fracture 3025.90 3026.00 0
2014-02-15 Multi-Stage Fracture 2924.50 2924.60 0
2014-02-15 Multi-Stage Fracture 2824.50 2824.60 0

For data sources see[6]

Fracking Activities

Fracking Jobs

Job Number Job Start Date Job End Date True Vertical Depth (ft) Total Water Volume (gal) Total Non-Water Volume (gal)
1 2014-02-14 2014-02-15 2,145 1,050 N/A

Fluid Composition Data

Job Number Trade Name Supplier Purpose Ingredient Name CAS Number Additive Percentage by Mass Job Percentage by Mass Mass Used (lb)
1 Water Not Available 100 43.2341 N/A
20/40 Sand Calfrac Crystalline silica (Quartz) 14808-60-7 100 25.262 N/A
50/140 Sand Calfrac Crystalline silica (Quartz) 14808-60-7 100 0.5501 N/A
DWP-317 Calfrac Activator Alkyl Amine 8458 100 0.2546 N/A
Non-Hazardous Ingredients Trade Secret 100 0.2548 N/A
DWP-981 Calfrac Breaker Non-Hazardous Ingredients Trade Secret 100 0.0391 N/A
Nitrogen Calfrac Energizing Fluid Nitrogen 7727-37-9 100 30.0308 N/A
DWP-315 Calfrac Foamer 1.2.3-Propanetriol 56-81-5 100 0.149 N/A
1.2-Ethanediol 107-21-1 100 0.1452 N/A
2.4-Pentanediol. 2-methyl- 107-41-5 100 0.1469 N/A
Alcohols. C8-C10 ethoxylated 71060-57-6 100 0.1623 N/A
Amides. coco. N.N-bis(hydroxyethyl) 68603-42-9 100 0.1452 N/A
Ammonium Alkyl Ether Sulfate 68891-29-2 100 0.1452 N/A
Ethanol. 2.2'-iminobis- 111-42-2 100 0.149 N/A
Non-Hazardous Ingredients Trade Secret 100 0.1452 N/A
DWP-321 Calfrac Gelling Agent Amides. coco. N.N-bis(hydroxyethyl) 68603-42-9 100 0.5015 N/A
Non-Hazardous Ingredients Trade Secret 100 0.4851 N/A

For data sources see[7]

Water Sources

Water Diversion Start Date Water Diversion End Date Water Source Type Total Water Volume (m3)
2013-12-09 2014-02-07 Groundwater - Non-saline less than or equal to 150m deep 198
2014-02-04 2014-02-05 Surface Water - River 1336

For data sources see[8]

Production Data

Period Total Production Hours Gas Quantity (m3) Oil Quantity (m3) Water Quantity (m3)
2014 1059 0.0 0.0 0.0
2015 8505 0.0 0.0 0.0
2016 8638 0.0 0.0 0.0
2017 1899 0.0 0.0 0.0
2018 5406 0.0 0.0 0.0
2019 6756 0.0 0.0 0.0
2020 2084 0.0 0.0 0.0

For data sources see[9]


Occurence Date Occurence Type Occurence Depth (m) Occurence Control Depth (m)
2014-01-07 No Incident Encountered 0.00 0.00
2014-02-27 No Incident Encountered 0.00 0.00

For data sources see[10]

